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Time To Post On Social Media

When Is The Right Time To Post On Social Media?

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Suppose you’ve spent hours researching, brainstorming, writing, and refining an eye-catching post for your campaign or website, and it’s now time to show it off to your audience. But in the end, the reaction you got didn’t live up to your expectation. Well, that’s pretty normal, and it can happen to anyone. 

There are a few things that you need to maintain in order for your post to reach your maximum audience, and managing time can be one of them. The publishing time of your content can vastly affect the engagement rate of your post as well.

Many individuals consider that there’re certain days and periods that will generate greater social media interaction than others. Many studies were conducted as well to understand when content was most and least frequently engaged.

Does Timing Matter?

The internet is filled with debates over the best time to post on social media. Actually, there are a number of aspects that influence the best time to share your posts if you want to see results. Besides if you’re utilizing social media to market yourself or your business, the posting timing can be crucial.

“Recency” is an important ranking indication in social media feed algorithms. The most recent posts are prioritized in the feeds, ranking higher than ones that are days or weeks old. Posting your material when your followers are online is one of the simplest strategies to increase your organic reach.

However, only posting at the right times will not automatically increase the engagement rate. Using the optimal times to publish on social media can maximize the odds that your audience will notice and engage with your posts. The optimum timing will help you attract attention, but the quality of your content will determine the ultimate result.

When Is The Best Time To Post On Social Media?

Consider the following factors while deciding on your content publishing schedule they are.

Time To Post On Social Media


Each social media site has its own character, features, and culture. So timing on each social media platform can be different. For instance, the best time to post on Instagram can differ from other social media like Facebook or LinkedIn.

When operating a B2C business, you should post your content on weekends and outside of business hours since this is when it will receive the most interaction. On the other hand, the optimum time to reach as many business people and firms on LinkedIn is weekdays and within working hours. 

The most important thing for you to figure out is who your audience is, as well as their demographics and browsing habits. Choosing the proper platform and posting time shouldn’t be difficult once you know who your material is for and where you can find them.

Time Region

We have established that the best time to post on your social media is when your users are online. However, if your company operates in multiple time zones, this might be difficult. Because social media operates around the clock, the time zones of your target audience are becoming increasingly important.

That’s why you should be aware of your audience’s demographic. You can analyze all of your social media networks to see where your target audience is situated and make strong social media strategies according to that information.

Time To Post On Social Media

When sending any from your social media handle, try to cover audiences that are situated in different time zones. Moreover, for each of the pages you handle, you can select a different time zone.

Time Of Year

Surprisingly, the ideal time to publish on your social media platforms is influenced by the time of year as well. People spend more time on social media throughout the fall and winter months, when the days are shorter and colder as they prefer to spend more time indoors.

Hence, this time of the year can increase the chance of your post getting the most engagement. Similarly, your post engagement might be substantially lower during summer and spring days as the weather is nicer and people go outside more often.

According to research, on rainy days there is a 42 percent more chance that people would connect with your content on social media than on sunny days.

Time To Post On Social Media

Best Time To Post Across Different Social Media

Even after so many discussions, it’s not easy to answer when is the right time to post on social media. Well, at present there are so many social media platforms on the internet for your business like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube Pinterest, TikTok, and more.

To connect with your audience, you must first select the appropriate social media site or platform. Let’s go into the details of when to post on these different social media platforms to get the greatest results.


With 2.93 billion monthly active users Facebook is now one of the most used social media platforms. You may reach your intended audience on Facebook by sharing your material at the right times. Maintaining that special timing can help boost your post and get maximum engagement. There is no fixed or universal time for posting on Facebook due to many factors.

On weekdays people are most active on Facebook in the early afternoon, between 1 pm and 3 p.m. And on weekends, 12 pm-1 pm is considered to be the best time to post on Facebook. However, according to Sprout Social’s analytics, Saturdays are the day of the week with the lowest engagement, so you can avoid posting that day. 

Time To Post On Social Media
Source: sproutsocial


Instagram has a large user base of 18–30-year-olds that engage with the platform throughout the week. Just like Facebook, Instagram doesn’t have any universal time for sharing your post. But there are certain timings on Instagram that will definitely help your posts get the finest results.

On Instagram, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. timetables are ideal when you’re posting on weekdays. And on weekends 9 am-2 pm seems to be the peak time for sharing your posts. However, the worst day to post on Instagram is Monday. 

Time To Post On Social Media
Source: sproutsocial


Twitter has its own set of rules, and following them may be quite beneficial to your business in the long term. It’s suggested that the best time to post on Twitter is 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm and 1 pm during lunchtime, or 6 pm and 9 pm in the evening. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays are Twitter’s peak engagement periods whereas Sunday may not be the best day.

Time To Post On Social Media
Source: sproutsocial


In TikToks, it’s recommended to upload up to three times each day, however, we’ve seen some prominent TikTok influencers post up to ten videos every day. The best time to share reels on TikTok is considered to be 6 to 9 p.m., 3 to 6 p.m., and 12 to 3 p.m. The worst day to post on TikTok is Tuesday.

Time To Post On Social Media
Source: oberlo

Final Say

Strictly abiding by this timetable is not a guaranteed guide to success on social media. Your best times to post could be drastically different from what’s in this study, depending on your audience and niche. Though it is helpful to know the best times to post on social media generally, a lot of factors can affect the best time to post for your specific business.